10 Festive Holiday Phrases in Languages from Around the World

It’s the season of friendship, family, and giving in many areas across the planet. For those traveling over the holidays, arranging special international business meetings, or just in search of a way to broaden your linguistic horizons, you can never have enough relevant phrases in your pocket to make someone feel welcome.

Because holidays are celebrated all around the world through various traditions and peoples, we have compiled 10 phrases, sayings, and greetings in different cultures and languages to help you to wish those in your life (wherever they may be) a very happy holiday. 

Swedish: “God fortsättning”

English: “Good continuing,” which is used only after Christmas

French: “Meilleurs vœux”  – usually followed by the year, as in “Meilleurs voeux pour 2018!”

English: “Best wishes”

Hindi: (क्रिसमस और नववर्ष की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं)

English: “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”

Italian: “Vi auguriamo un Natale pieno di amore, pace e felicità”

English: “We wish you a Christmas filled with love, peace and happiness”

Arabic: أتمنى لكم (atamanna lakum)

English: “I-wish for-you”  (plural)

Polish: “Zdrowych i radosnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz szczęśliwego Nowego Roku”

English: “
Wish you a healthy and full of joy Christmas and a Happy New Year”

Spanish: “Que se cumplan tus deseos/sueños”

English: “I hope your dreams come true”

Portuguese: “Boas Festas”

English:“Happy Holidays”

German: “Viel Glück und Erfolg im neuen Jahr!”

English: “Good fortune and success in the New Year!”

Czech: Veselé Vánoce

English: “Merry Christmas”


Christmas sayings go to show how incredible languages can expand, even for the same global celebration. Although pronunciations may be difficult to conquer, translations don’t have to be. Reach out to us now to see how we can help you in the New Year.

Happy Holidays!

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