Finding high quality, professional translation can be difficult. With the ever-present danger of translator frauds, embarrassing public translation mistakes, and hidden costs that frequently occur, it’s always in your business’ best interest to find a trustworthy and reliable source that sticks to high-quality standards. So, just what exactly are high-quality translations all about, and why are they so important?
Quality Standards for Translation
All professional translations require attention to detail and contextual care; without it, a message becomes meaningless. The translation industry as a whole utilizes a set of certifications and standards for translation quality that every translator should be in tune with.
Our Vendor Management Team works exclusively on aligning procedures to the European Quality Standard, which involve the specifics translation requirements, documentation, database storing and quality assurance processes, among other important areas. As with any other set standard of quality, there are rules in place to ensure that translators hold a certain amount of experience, that the testing process for translators is comprehensive, and that all processes and regulations are properly organized.
How Our Standards Stack Up
No two translation projects are the same or require the same specifics, so we’ve established our own proven internal processes. While based on the industry’s overall quality standards, our rules are adapted on a case-by-case basis to ensure the best possible results are delivered for each individual piece of work at hand.
We strongly believe in providing a tailored service for every client, and combine project management best practices with our quality assurance processes to add value to our daily work. Failure to comply with even the most basic quality standards for translation can dramatically impact the final work that a customer receives, so it’s important to keep to a strict set of rules and procedures.
A Solid QA Process: We utilize the kind of powerful Computer Aided Translation (CAT) tools that quality, professional translations require, and have developed a streamlined translation process that consists of 2 levels of proofreading and quality assurance:
- Project details are outlined with a dedicated Project Manager.
- Expert linguists are assigned to your project.
- The translated content is prepared based on your requirements.
- Your translations are thoroughly proofed for any mistakes.
- The source formatting, consistency and complete accuracy of your translations are checked (and re-checked) for quality assurance.
- Your finished translated documents are delivered.
Quality Translators & Proofreaders: Every high-quality, professional online translation begins with a skilled and experienced team of translators. All of our translators are certified professionals, and our vetting process allows us to employ some of the most trustworthy and reliable experts in the industry.
In need of high-quality, professional translations?