We’ve discussed our feelings before about how important accurate website translation is to an organization’s international and localization strategy. It goes beyond mere website translation to change the source language and site elements. It is vital to appeal to the customer’s cultural preferences in their own target language to assure success. Without it, a company can quickly stumble in a global market.
However increasingly critical a translated website is for businesses, new reports are finding that most marketers don’t feel that they’re accomplishing it well, don’t have the budget for it, or really know where to start.
This recent article from Slator goes into detail on the matter:
Despite the clear need to localize – with 50% of marketers saying it’s essential to business growth and profitability – most marketing teams simply do not have the budget to execute their goals. As high as 75% said they are spending 10% or less of their budgets on localization efforts.
As consumers increasingly expect brands to engage with them in the most relevant ways, almost half of survey respondents cited localization demands – including language, cultural values, and other sensitivities – as the top factor “putting pressure” on marketing teams to more effectively deliver branded content at scale.
But at the same time, ensuring that content is properly localized (34%) without diluting the brand’s overall identity (43%), as well as shorter lead times and deadlines (47%) are among the biggest challenges for marketers.
“In today’s day and age, there is an expectation that customer experiences happen in total context to the consumer, yet localization – whether it’s around the globe or around the corner – is still a far-off goal for far too many organizations,” the CMO Council noted in its report.
Read the rest of the article on the Slator.com website here.
Is your company website in need of effective, accurate, affordable localization? Get in touch with us about improving your current translated website or helping to localize your entire website from scratch.