
The Challenges of Being an Interpreter

The Challenges of Being an Interpreter in a Socially Distanced World

Working in language interpretation services has its challenges, however working as an interpreter during a pandemic presents more than usual. Interpreters predominantly work face to face and can be found at large events, international conferences, political summits, and more. Currently, many of these events are on hold, rescheduled, or even banned, while others are exclusively virtual. This does not mean, however, that there is no opportunity for interpreters to find work, but they must adapt to the new landscape.

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Transcreation: Your Secret Multilingual Marketing Weapon

Transcreation is the method of translating the old, and creating the new. Literally: “trans-creation.” Transcreation is not language-based, but culture and concept-based. It differs from direct translation as it focuses on how you wish to present your product or services, and adapts the message to speak to your target audience in their native tongue, effectively.…

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Let’s Talk About It: Machine Translation & Language Services

The role of technology in professional translation is rapidly changing, and we want to hear how you feel about it. We’re hosting “Let’s Talk About It: Machine Translation & Language Services,” a conversation with a purpose to explore the future of language services and chat about the benefits and downsides to machine translation tech. Please join…

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