First-Rate Translation Done Efficiently and Effectively

Translations, adaptations, localizations and more — delivered quickly, accurately and professionally, every time. With trained translators and language experts spanning 50 countries globally and many industry verticals, Language Department is a single source for any linguistic or cultural expertise.

Our thorough translation process ensures that your company or organization’s message is conveyed on-time, on-budget and with precise accuracy. And we’ll assemble a team of experts according to your project specifications to make it all happen.

1. Scoping project details.

Your dedicated, specialized Project Manager will be assigned, and you’ll discuss the engagement requirements, goals and timeline of your specific upcoming project.

2. Assigning account linguists.

After your project is appropriately scoped with your Project Manager, a team of specialized linguists — along with support teams — will be assigned to your account.

3. Preparing translations.

A custom team (translator, designer & web developer if needed) will prepare your documentation and propose style guides, glossaries and support mechanisms based on your translation project requirements.

4. Proofreading and revise.

Your Project Manager will hand over your translated text or content to a secondary, qualified translator who will comb through looking for any mistakes, then make revisions if necessary.

5. Checking consistency.

Using CAT tools, the trained reviser ensures the highest quality of translations by reviewing your content word-for-word and checking for consistency to your target language.

6. Finalizing the translation.

Your final translated files are returned to your Project Manager after proofing and checking is complete, who then does a final review for perfect quality before delivering an identically formatted, translated version to you.

No matter the project or need, Language Department‘s translation process and language experts will convey your message accurately and effectively!


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